Siekiera, ludzie wschodu punk de polonia

Esta fue una de las bandas más pegadoras del punk Polaco. Desde Polonia, Siekiera (1984–1988) con su canción Ludzie Wschodu
"la gente del este".

Una traducción de la letra:

Are peoples behead here? Have darky was eaten here? Do Madonna lies here? Here is the horse riding? Do you sleep at the night well? Do you fear of the death? Have someone killed woodturner? Did it is happening often? tatatalalatatataheyha tatatalalatatataheyha heyha heyheyheyeheyheyheyheyheyheyhe­yheyheyheyehy hey Are peoples behead here? Have darky was eaten here? Do Madonna lies here? Here is the horse riding?

Oficial, no se entiende un pito, está en polaco (y en jpg)...

