Internet y el nuevo orden mundial: El FBI Cierra Megaupload y Megavideo

Una de las noticias más recientes de la cruzada del nuevo orden mundial contra la internet. Hace muchos años el Dr. Timothy Leary valoraba el lugar y el propósito de red que conocemos como Internet. Encontré la transcripción en inglés de las palabras de Leary en la conferencia del partido Libertario en el año 1977, en este evento habló de algo llamado internet.

Las palabras de Leary son contundentes y en su clara visión, pudo ver que esta tecnología de comunicación tallaría el futuro desarrollo de una nueva cultura humana. Pueden leer lo recogido por una persona que estuvo presente en dicha conferencia. Al final del post les dejo en enlace al sitio donde encontré esta información así pueden ver las fuentes y reseñas (además les dejo otros links interesantes, no los pasen por alto).

La trascendencia del cierre de megaupload es una manifestación más de aquel objetivo del nuevo orden mundial de controlar y destruir el potencial de estas herramientas tecnológicas que catalizan la evolución de la conciencia de nuestra especie. Hace años que intentan someter la red a leyes y control, limitando el flujo de información y haciendo de la red un espacio estéril e inservible, un híbrido degradante entre la televisión y el SMS del teléfono celular.
At the 1977 Libertarian Party Convention, mind-expansion advocate and LSD guru Timothy Leary gave a speech that few of us took very seriously. He spoke of something called the Internet, a network that would connect computers worldwide, allowing participants from around the globe to sign on and retrieve text, photographs, audio and video instantaneously, and to communicate in realtime with anyone in the whole world who also had a computer and a connection. He said that it would be the new revolution against the current social order and stifling status quo. He predicted it would be much, much bigger than drugs in its ability to overthrow the establishment. Whereas tuning in, turning on and dropping out had been of great interest to a somewhat narrow subset of the population, everyone would be able to use the Internet, in his own way, and thus the new revolution against the old order would transcend class, age, nationality and all other demographics. The bourgeois would have just as much interest and use for it as the so-called counterculture. And nothing would ever again be the same.
As I said, no one at the time really believed it. We figured Leary had just done a little too much acid and his imagination had gotten the best of him. The network of information he described seemed totally impossible – and yet it exists, precisely as he predicted it, right now.
In fact, even Timothy Leary might be surprised to see the newest developments. Hardly a week goes by without some substantial revolution in cyberspace. When Leary died in 1996, data storage, processing and transfer had yet to approach anything anywhere near their current magnificent levels of utility and speed. And next year will make this year look like nothing. Already, we think back five years and can hardly comprehend the breathtaking progress over that time.
A lot of people say the Internet is overrated. They think it’s just a bunch of vanity sites and ranting and raving kooks – and while they acknowledge it is nice that you can buy products online and have them delivered to your house, they doubt the net will prove as revolutionary of culture and industry as is predicted of it. Ever since the Dot-Com Boom of the late 1990s and the subsequent bust, many are inclined to dismiss the alleged greatness of the net. Some see it only as a novelty or fad that will hardly evolve far past its current size and scope.
These people could not be more wrong. The Internet is not just not overrated – it is vastly underrated.
In the Internet we see our greatest hope for freedom and for the continual progress of humanity. In the Internet we see the anachronistic and obsolete institutions of society being pushed aside for a new dawn of better things. In the Internet we see the key to diminishing the power and status of the state and liberating ourselves from its oppression and deception.
This is a great history lesson and we all need to understand this in light of the totalitarian nuttiness which has infected our society lately.
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Además pueden leer Internet contra el Estado un interesante documento para seguir pensando el tema.